The Beacon SDK by Roll20

Roll20 Character Sheets with Modern Web Development Tools

Code Your Way

The Beacon SDK connects you to Roll20 character sheet data, allowing you to create a modern web application using whatever tools you'd like. You are free to create a character sheet your way.

Develop Locally, Quickly

With the Beacon SDK, you can make edits and run them locally. Connect to the Roll20 sandboxes to instantly see your changes in Roll20 Tabletop or Roll20 Characters. Assign a compendium and access character data while building your sheet locally, making the development process swift and efficient.

Playtest Your Sheet

When you’re ready, release your sheet for a select group of people, giving them access to it in Roll20 Tabletop or Roll20 Characters. Gather feedback, make changes, and playtest it again with the same group. Build a sheet millions of players can enjoy.