
Join the Closed Beta

The Beacon SDK is currently in closed Beta. Please complete the form to sign up for the closed beta.

Join to get access to the Beacon SDK, the community sheet repo for Beacon sheet, the community sheet developers in discord, and the new sheet developer Roll20 permissions.


The background color of the alert box.


An entity in the game with attributes, bio, GM notes, and a token representation.

Character sheet:

A digital or printed page used to track a character’s attributes, abilities, and other relevant information in a role-playing game.

Computed Property:

Properties that have both get and set methods, which can be dynamically calculated.


A function to handle mapping Custom Sheet macro attributes to the new Beacon Sheet format.


A set of functions enabling the sheet to send commands back to the VTT.

GM (Game Master):

The person who runs the game, controls the NPCs & the story, and provides challenges for the players.


Methods that act as event handlers to process messages from the host.


Function to initialize the SDK relay, setting up communication between the host and the character sheet.


A script that automates repetitive tasks in the VTT.

Roll Template:

A predefined format for displaying the results of a dice roll.


A visual representation of a character or object on the virtual tabletop, with various properties like position, size, and attributes.

VTT (Virtual Tabletop):

An online platform that allows players to play tabletop role-playing games over the internet.


A message displayed when an input value does not meet specific criteria.

Quantum Roll:

A system that ensures the fairness and authenticity of dice rolls in the VTT by using cryptographic methods.