How to Contribute

Join the Closed Beta

The Beacon SDK is currently in closed Beta. Please complete the form to sign up for the closed beta.

Join to get access to the Beacon SDK, the community sheet repo for Beacon sheet, the community sheet developers in discord, and the new sheet developer Roll20 permissions.

We strive to make the Beacon SDK and its documentation a better tool for Community Sheet Developers like you! So before we get started, thank you for helping us make them the best they can be. It is no small task supporting all games with the best digital character sheets, but with your help, players around the world will can use awesome characeter sheets for their favorite games.

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug with the Beacon SDK, and you want to report it, thank you. There are several ways you can go about reporting it. Feel free to choose the easiest for you. Most importantly, we want you to let us know so we can fix them.

  1. You can create an issue on the Beacon Documentation Github Repo.
  2. You can create an issue on the Beacon Community Sheets Repo.
  3. You can let us know in the Community Sheet Developers Discord Channels. Make sure to fill out a [Beta Sign up form(] before joining the Discord.
  4. You can submit a Roll20 Help Ticket where our support staff and make sure we get the information.

When you submit a bug report, it’s most helpful for you to include steps that will reliably reproduce the bug. If you don’t have those, that’s fine too. The most important thing is to report it. We’ll work with you to figure out how we can reproduce and fix the bug.

Ultimately, our team manages our sprint work with an internal tool. No matter which method you use to report the issue, we’ll create a companion ticket in our internal tool and link it to your original report. This is why if we have questions, we can find your report, and when we’re done, we can let you know that it has been fixed.

Suggesting Features

If you have an idea of a feature that we should add to make things easier for you or others, please let us know! Here are a few ways that you can choose from to let us know.

  1. You can create an issue on the Beacon Documentation Github Repo.
  2. You can create an issue on the Beacon Community Sheets Repo.
  3. You can let us know in the Community Sheet Developers Discord Channels. Make sure to fill out a [Beta Sign up form(] before joining the Discord.
  4. You can schedule a meeting with Andrew and/or Alice directly to talk about it and give him the opportunity to ask questions about it.

Ultimately, we want to hear what is particularly painful and time consuming for you so we can work to make it easier for you to create awesome digtial character sheets for the games you love.

Code Contributions to the Beacon SDK Documentation

Our goal it to build this site into the single source of information for Community Sheet Developers. The task of documenting everything will take time and iteration. If you find something in the documention that is wrong or needs to be updated, please let us know! You are also welcome to make a pull request of the Beacon SDK Documentation Repo, update the files, and commit your changes. We’ll review and publish them on a regular basis.

When you do submit a pull request, thank you for helping us make the Beacon SDK project better!